beef cromesquis - P23 - entrée grenoble

Cromesquis of beef with tarragon, an "A l'Epicerie" starter

Dish : Entrance Duration: 50-60 min. Level : easy

Ingredients per plate

VBF Beef chuck

Caramel with spices


Yellow onions







Brown breadcrumbs

Carrot ketchup

Frying oil

Olive oil

Fine salt, pepper

*Products available in our shop shelves


For our spring dish "À l'Épicerie" - Beef Cromesquis with Tarragon :

  1. Start by preparing a rustic aromatic garnish by mixing carrots, onions, garlic and leeks, vegetables that go perfectly with beef. Wash the vegetables thoroughly, peel and cut the carrots and onions into small pieces, and slice the leeks after removing the green leaves.
  2. Now you will prepare the beef for your Cromesquis by decorating it withseason it with salt and pepper and then sear it in a pan with a drizzle of olive oil and the prepared aromatic garnish.
  3. Remember to add water, cover and simmer until the meat is tender..
  4. Once cooked, shape into beef balls weighing around 60g and add the tarragon. Meanwhile, prepare the sauce mix your carrot ketchup with the spiced caramel.
  5. The next step, Take the beef meatballs and bread them. Take a fork and roll each ball of beef in the flour, then in the eggs and finally in the brown breadcrumbs. Repeat if necessary to form your Tarragon Beef Cromesquis.
  6. We will now move on to the final stage: Fry your beef cromesquis with tarragon. Heat the oil to 180°C, dip the meatballs in the oil and leave them to brown for about 1 minute. Drain.

Now you're ready to prepare your plate as shown in the photo and start eating. Enjoy your meal!

Treat yourself to this starter, a creative dish created by Grenoble's resident chef "A l'Epicerie".

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