AIX&TERRA-20220928-26 Cod fillet entree

Poached cod fillet served cold with broccoli and tapenade an "A l'Epicerie" recipe

Dish : Entrance Duration: 60 min. Level : medium

Ingredients per plate

Back of cod
Golden apples
Liquid cream 35%
Cream of basil
Organic Black Tapenade
Organic* Olive Oil & Basil (natural maceration)

*Products available in our shop shelves


To create our "A l'Epicerie" recipe, cod fillet with organic black tapenade, poached and served cold, broccoli texture and basil cream:

  1. Divide the cod in half lengthways without going all the way through, like a wallet.
  2. Spread the Organic Black Tapenade over the cod.
  3. Carefully roll up the cod backs, wrapping them tightly in cling film.
  4. Repeat if necessary.
  5. Cook in a heated casserole dish using a thermometer.
  6. Prepare the broccoli florets and cook them in a salted casserole dish.
  7. Peel the stalk of the broccoli, remove the green with a peeler to get at the white, then make a small julienne with the tender part of the broccoli stalk.
  8. Cut small apple sticks.
  9. Mix the cream with the basil cream.
  10. To prepare: Coat the broccoli florets with organic basil olive oil. Repeat with the broccoli julienne and the apple sticks.
  11. Arrange the basil cream in the centre of the plate, then place the piece of cod next to the broccoli florets, covering them with the mixture of julienne and sticks.
  12. Finish by adding a little lemon zest.

Treat yourself to a delicious fillet of cod with organic black tapenade, poached and served cold, with broccoli and basil cream "A l'Epicerie" style.

Enjoy your meal!

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